
  • "I do wonder, however, whether my son will someday feel that his privacy is being violated, or more likely, be embarrassed about the site." I struggle with this issue too and it's why I don't post very much in public about my son. [via Daddy Types]
  • "Google is to be forced to release the records of every video watched on YouTube, including user names and web addresses, to entertainment company Viacom after a US federal court ruling." Copyright trumps privacy. [via MeFi]
  • "Perhaps the right answer is to excise the links from the old posts and to add a note explaining why the links were removed." Rafe brings up a good reason why you might need to alter archives and how you might handle it in a way that doesn't break links.
  • Matt and Jessamyn discuss the week in Metaflter that was. They have a nice rapport, and I think it'll be a great way to find gems across MeFi that I might have missed. (It's like a living, breathing sidebar!)
    filed under: metafilter, mp3, podcasts
  • Cringely speculates that the *real* purpose of the AppleTV is building a massive P2P network for iTunes video distribution. Clever!
    filed under: media, tv, video, mac
  • Someday everything will be tagged whether we know it or not. I, for one, welcome our new powdery RFID overlords.
    filed under: future, privacy, security, tagging
  • Rafe on conflicting images of Iran. We're only getting one view of the country in our major media outlets, but the social Web provides a more nuanced, complete view.
    filed under: media, marketing, politics, flickr, photography
  • haha, let fate determine where you should eat! Jim put together a fun visualization of Yahoo! Local business entries.
    filed under: yahoo, hacks, flash, joke, food, webservices
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