Paul Bausch
Interesting Twitter demographics. "...45-54 year olds are 36 percent more likely than average to visit Twitter, making them the highest indexing age group, followed by 25-34 year olds, who are 30 percent more likely."
How lulz were had with a Time poll. [via waxy]
Paul Bausch
"Joe Raiola, Senior Editor of MAD Magazine will present his one man show, The Joy of Censorship." Sounds fun. At the Corvallis library April 4th, 7pm.
A recording of The Decemberists in Austin. [via
This little plug computer that runs Linux looks like it'd be fun to play with.
Paul Bausch
Cameron expands on the Economist article: "...while the average Facebook user communicates with a small subset of their entire friend network, they maintain relationships with a group two times the size of this core."
"...people who are members of online social networks are not so much 'networking' as they are 'broadcasting their lives to an outer tier of acquaintances who aren't necessarily inside the Dunbar circle'..."
SBJ's talk at SXSW about the future of news. " times like these, when all that is solid is melting into air, as Marx said of another equally turbulent era, it's important that we try to imagine how we'd like the future to turn out and set our sights on that, and not just struggle to keep the past alive for a few more years."
"Las Vegas casinos increasingly pay attention to their customers - their likes, dislikes, moods and patterns - in order to create an engaging experience." This was my favorite talk at Gel 2008.
"What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09."
"It makes increasingly less sense even to talk about a publishing industry, because the core problem publishing solves -- the incredible difficulty, complexity, and expense of making something available to the public -- has stopped being a problem."
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"My process of interviewing people is I do not interview people," said the cheerful Hustwit. "I'm trying to get them to forget that they're being interviewed." Also, signs of increased interactivity: "Are you a robot?" [via glass]
In a perfect world their jobs would depend on their accuracy rather than their ability to produce entertaining content. [via long now]
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Here's another way to hide Google's awful SearchWiki images with Adblock Plus.
This Greasemonkey script will hide the new Google SearchWiki buttons. Strange that Google doesn't offer a way to opt-out of this feature.
Nice JavaScript date picker.
Scandal is our growth industry.
Paul Bausch
Brian Eno put together a generative music app for the iPhone called Bloom.
"Our results showed that just the very basic metric of reply length, along with the number of competing answers, and the track record of the user, was most predictive of whether the answer would be selected. The number of other best answers by a user, a potential indicator of expertise, was predictive of an answer being selected as best, but most significantly so for the technically focused Programming category." [via waxy]
Jay Rosen: "At what point does an extreme attempt to de-legitimate the press actually de-legitimate the candidate as an extremist in the eyes of the press?"
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"Perhaps they know better than we do how deeply the American people long to be done with the problem of democracy...Sarah Palin represents what many people want: a retreat from reason; a regression to childhood." [via MeFi]
Netflix has an API now. It includes their movie catalog, reviews, and manipulating queues (oauth for that). [via waxy]
A talk David Simon gave at the Berkeley Townsend Center. [via sippey]
Search the Google of 2001 when my blog was the 3rd result for "Paul". I guess Pagerank and I have drifted apart over these last seven years.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Showing 205 through 216 of 245 posts tagged media.