Paul Bausch
"Remix culture is the new Prohibition, with massive media companies as the lone voices calling for temperance. You can criminalize commonplace activities from law-abiding people, but eventually, something has to give."
"Like a service? Make them charge you or show you ads. If they won't do it, clone them and do it yourself. Soon you'll be the only game in town!" This is both absolutely true and heartbreaking.
Paul Bausch
We've been using alpha and beta versions of jQuery Mobile at Fuelly for quite a while now. It's great to see it reach this milestone.
ThinkUp is a great way to archive/search your entire Twitter history and get some nice metrics in the process. Congrats on 1.0! (Don't miss Anil's post about
ThinkUp and Software with Purpose.)
Nice collection of designs patterns and examples for mobile devices.
This is a nice alternate theme for Google Reader. Better type. Better separation and texture. The best part is that it tones down the in-your-face-red G+ share button.
Paul Bausch
Ajax spinning image with no image! (A bit heavier than an image, though.)
" would seem that many who claim to be pro-business are trying to 'save' us from exactly the inclusive, creative, tolerant values that have made America's most successful company possible." Anil connects the dots.
UGH. "AT&T's killing their $10/1,000 text plan. Now, you'll have to choose between $20 for unlimited, or forgo a plan and pay $0.20 per message. AT&T calls this 'streamlining.' We call it what it is: an outrageous, gigantic scam."
Mat Honan quoting Mike Monteiro: "We used to design things to take us to the moon, now we design things to keep us from getting out of bed." Like!
Nice toolkit of design elements for building websites.
Paul Bausch
Nice JavaScript dialog/alert system.
"What are Facebook and Google but giant institutions, arms of the new establishment? What are smartphones if not high-tech leashes? Today, online databases hold more information about us than could fit on a mile-high stack of punch cards. Some kind of rebellion seems in order." [via sippey]
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"...none other than Corvallis stands out as the top city in the country for innovation — after you account for its size. New York is merely average." Some theoretical physicists are looking at new ways to measure the creative output of cities.
Awesome vintage terminal emulator with a hilarious incentive to purchase. [via
And apparently the Web is for complaining. [via
Some auto-generated ebooks based on top Stack Overflow questions in various categories.
Paul Bausch
Bruce Sterling on Flipboard. "I would counter that what this thing really massacres is weblogs. Flipbook makes weblogs look archaic, much more than it makes magazines look archaic."
I always wondered about those people at library book sales with scanners. Now I know. [via
A browser extension that blocks all of those annoying 'Like on Facebook' buttons.
This work by a Slovenian painter in the early 20th century is eerily similar to our own century's
Jim Woodring.
Learn the constellations the 1940's Navy way!
I don't care what science says, Mexican Coke is better! (Glass bottles alone are better.)
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
In the early 80's Tim O'Reilly wrote a book about Frank Herbert? And the full text is available online? Yes and yes. [via
Optimizes PNGs by dithering colors and limiting the palette. [via
This is the command line PNG optimizer that
Google Page Speed uses to compress images.
New Dads have biological changes too. [via
Daddy Types]
Paul Bausch
"There is an error in most photography scaling algorithms." Wha? This is hard to believe.
I think we're safely out of spoiler territory now so I can post this great analysis of Toy Story 3.
Neven Mrgan has a great point: when a satire gets too close to the subject it's taking down is it still satire?
Great 50's comic art.
Frozen bananas in a food processor = ice cream? I need to try this!
Great idea, I'd use them.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Showing 13 through 24 of 66 posts tagged software.