Leonard has a great summary of the Apple security problem: "Either Apple’s security was so incompetent or negligent that they have not been aware of what was going on, or they knew, but actively ignored the issue and decided that it was not worth fixing."
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Trying to mitigate all of the known SSL exploits is a challenge. This document is a good summary of current best practices.
Remember your friend from the Cold War, existential terror? It's back in Eric Schlosser's new book. This is a great talk he gave about it. "The consciousness of our nuclear arsenal vanished, but the danger has never left us."
Paul Bausch
"To the engineers, I say this: we built the internet, and some of us have helped to subvert it. Now, those of us who love liberty have to fix it."
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"Sears used to sell houses by mail." Someone please put old catalog pictures side by side with modern pictures of those houses still in use.
"From now on, when I want to visit Facebook, I’ll be using the private browser setting in whatever browser I’m using." This is my new strategy too. What a hassle.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Interesting look at "password padding" to create memorable AND secure passwords. [via
Ask MeFi]
"We’re not going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless future." Painful post to read but it makes sense. Now what?
"When people say there are no easy solutions to our problems, I don’t think they are thinking hard or creatively enough. If our problem is that we don’t have enough technically trained Americans, why are we not focused like lasers on educating people?"
"The kind of naming policy that Facebook and Google Plus have is actually a radical departure from the way identity and speech interact in the real world."
Paul Bausch
Showing 25 through 36 of 65 posts tagged security.