Paul Bausch
"These constructions acknowledge a truth: our actions are increasingly passive online, and we really are just looking for something to watch, click, share and receive."
Paul Bausch
Great article about the difference between Twitter and Facebook from Matt Haughey. Short version: Twitter = present, Facebook = past. See also:
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
News filter by Mule. Their description: "It's a summary of the day's news, written by an actual journalist, with links to the best reporting in the world, published once a day."
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"So maybe, instead of waiting for the MPAA’s next law and changing our Twitter avatars for a few days in protest, it would be more productive to significantly reduce or eliminate our support of the MPAA member companies starting today, and start supporting campaign finance reform."
Russ Cox explains how the retired Google Code Search used to work. It includes links to a similar project you can install locally to search code using the same method.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Showing 145 through 156 of 245 posts tagged media.