Nice Inconsolata mod that straightens out the quotes. I use Inconsolata as my programming font, haven't noticed a quote problem, but I'll give this a shot.
"I think that it’s a real possibility that in 10 years, general purpose computers will be seen as being strictly for developers and hobbyists." Rafe has an important analysis of the iPad announcement. We're headed toward closed platforms.
He used the Processing environment to calculate the number of track layouts possible with a simple train set from Ikea. I'll have to try these! [via Daddy Types]
"The Walt Disney Company has acknowledged that Baby Einstein does not teach anything nor does it promote better brain development in your infant. In the face of the scientific research, they are offering a full refund to any parent who has bought a Baby Einstein DVD in the last five years." [via briansawyer]
I love lists too, and I think they're going to be fantastic once everyone has them. I agree with Mat that lists will lead to fewer folks in my 'following' list, but 'listing' is lower impact so it might lead to more actual following.