Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"As a survivor of the postage-stamp era, college was my big chance to doff the roles in my family and community that I had outgrown, to reinvent myself, to get busy with the embarrassing, exciting, muddy, wonderful work of creating an adult identity. Can you really do that with your 450 closest friends watching, all tweeting to affirm ad nauseam your present self?" [via
Paul Bausch
"...asking users to input their email address and password from a third-party site like GMail or Yahoo Mail is completely unacceptable." This is still so true, and I'm surprised sites like Facebook haven't been shamed into changing their "Find People" features.
More photography in unusual environments: "When it thinks it's falling, the hard drive heads park themselves to prevent damage upon impact. Unfortunately, in zero gravity, the camcorder always thinks it's falling." [via waxy]
The hazards of commercial photography: "The doorway was about 12 feet away from the unit, so although I would be in the magnetic field, it wasn't strong enough to pull the camera off of my tripod."
Paul Bausch
A single script for hosting your own single OpenID identity. Easy to set up with Apache. (IIS with ISAPI_rewrite, hard.) Supports the sreg extension.
filed under: development, identity, php
Here's the "sreg stuff" for OpenID. Avatars aren't mentioned in the spec.
filed under: development, identity, programming
Avatar auto-discovery standard. Seems like a natural fit with OpenID. This should be added to the optional sreg stuff.
filed under: design, development, identity
Paul Bausch
this site maintains a database of md5 hashes and the original text. This is a good starting point for decrypting these supposedly one-way hashes. If you're storing passwords as md5 hashes, don't forget the salt.
filed under: hacks, security, identity, programming
Paul Bausch
danah starts a discussion about virtual walled gardens, gated communities, whatever you want to call them. Be sure to check out the comments. The central question to me is: "who owns the walls?"
filed under: internet, privacy, community, identity
Paul Bausch
Finding an acceptable "default deny" method for weblog participation. The most exciting developments in the weblog world right now are happening around OpenID. [via
filed under: weblogs, identity, spam
Photographs of every advertisement in Times Square. [via
filed under: marketing, media, visualization, photography
Paul Bausch
nice description of OpenID for mortals. [via
filed under: development, security, identity, weblogs
I've been doing this for the past few days and it's already come in handy with only five entries. I'm going to try to make it a habit for the new year.
filed under: productivity, hacks, development
Paul Bausch
Showing 13 through 21 of 21 posts tagged identity.