
  • The history of Sinterklaas, Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, etc.
  • This iconic, cliched, overused Apollo 8 picture of the Earth from the Moon is still incredible.
  • Is there anything better than engravings of alchemists' laboratories?
  • "...future versions of Firefox plan on supporting the new W3C Geolocation Specification, which adds the native ability for Web sites to request, and you to optionally grant access to, your location." [via veen]
  • The soviet photos and false intro are heavy handed, but archive integrity is an important subject. They quote Rebecca Blood's Weblog Ethics:
    History can be rewritten, but it cannot be undone. Changing or deleting words is possible on the Web, but possibility does not always make good policy. Think before you publish and stand behind what you write. If you later decide you were wrong about something, make a note of it and move on.
    [via Fimoculous]
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