Paul Bausch
ColdFusion code to geocode locations with Google Maps.
And Google gets in on the Twitter Archive goodness. I'm glad Tweets are becoming less ephemeral.
The Library of Congress is going to archive every tweet. It'll be interesting to see how they make the archives available.
"Slate ad critic Seth Stevenson tries out a Google service that allows you to run your own commercial on national TV for as little as $100." (Neat. But Slate 5? Did I miss 2-4? har har.)
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Photographer, vanishing America.
Photographer, homes at night.
"Nothing focuses the mind of the reporter like being asked to specify what exactly they’d like to see done, and it’s much easier for a developer to scan a list with actual tasks right in the sentence construction." Good advice for personal to-do lists too.
Fun way to browse full-size images from Google Image Search results.
Paul Bausch
Looks like a simple way for a web app to send/receive SMS messages.
Not only did I post this link to delicious, I "liked" it at Google Reader, commented about it at Facebook, retweeted, dugg, and potentially verbed it in other ways that I might not be aware of. But yeah, more author tools--hear, hear!
Paul Bausch
A nice way to integrate Google Closure with TextMate. The trick to using it is selecting the file to compile from the TextMate Project Drawer.
Google hosts a web version of their in-house JavaScript compiler/minifier. How did I not hear about this?
Paul Bausch
A peek behind the curtain at Facebook with an anonymous FB developer.
"...Brad's work was altogether more messy and funny and human and passionate and complicated, just like the man himself. I can offer no more succinct summation of the man than that he was a good man and a good friend, profoundly funny and profoundly kind." Anil shares some memories of Brad.
"...the hero is the most damaging person on a team, particularly on a team that’s supposed to be writing high-availability or otherwise mission-critical software." Interesting analysis of team dynamics. [via
"One user following another in social media is analogous to one page linking to another on the Web. Both are a form of recommendation." Amit Singhal on how Google ranks Tweets for real-time search.
Rules for PR folks who want to work with bloggers. "FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE means FOR IMMEDIATE DELETE."
Paul Bausch
Why is Google offering DNS? "...they want to speed up people's Google search results."
Google takes aim at OpenDNS and John Gruber calls their response "Pure FUD". I agree, but any move Google makes has big repercussions. Distributed infrastructure is good.
Nice article about tapping into the Java chart component with ColdFusion to access chart types CF doesn't support.
Paul Bausch
Anil collects more thoughts on the coming storm of apps vs. open web. "This, for me, is a social issue, a cultural issue, and a political issue, not just a technological issue. Perhaps we need to speak of it that way more often, to make the stakes clear."
"'s time for developers to take a stand. If you don't want a repeat of the PC era, place your bets now on open systems. Don't wait till it's too late." Tim O'Reilly on the coming platform storm. [via anil]
Paul Bausch
This is the best photo-editing software I've found for the iPhone. And it's free.
A nice interview with Josh, including some thoughts on being a MeFi moderator. "...the enthusiasm from other folks on the site to collaborate and make it all work was just stunning and cemented for me somewhat the reality that this was a community and not just a bunch of nerds yelling at each other on a website."
A serious warning about using Google Groups for public discussion. [via
Paul Bausch
Getting the Google IDs of liking users is interesting, but I didn't know about "Reader's view of a feed", also interesting. [via
"To help you understand how Web Caches will treat a Web page, the Cacheability Engine will look at a URL (and optionally any images or objects associated with it), giving both specific cache-related data about it, and a general commentary on how cacheable the object is."
Paul Bausch
"The good advice is obvious, the rest doesn’t work." Derek on SEO. In summary, hire a good designer not a self-proclaimed Search Engine Optimizer and design for humans not algorithms. Couldn't agree more.
Paul Bausch
Showing 85 through 96 of 138 posts tagged google.