"I thought it would be interesting to produce a kind of personal encylopedia: each volume cataloguing the links for a whole year." Great idea, a physical copy of your Pinboard/Delicious links.
"After using all the UI richness available for such a long time to make beautiful and differentiated products, app designers have realized that the user's work, not their own, is the star of the show."
Paul Bausch
"So maybe, instead of waiting for the MPAA’s next law and changing our Twitter avatars for a few days in protest, it would be more productive to significantly reduce or eliminate our support of the MPAA member companies starting today, and start supporting campaign finance reform."
Russ Cox explains how the retired Google Code Search used to work. It includes links to a similar project you can install locally to search code using the same method.
Paul Bausch
We've been using alpha and beta versions of jQuery Mobile at Fuelly for quite a while now. It's great to see it reach this milestone.
ThinkUp is a great way to archive/search your entire Twitter history and get some nice metrics in the process. Congrats on 1.0! (Don't miss Anil's post about
ThinkUp and Software with Purpose.)
Nice collection of designs patterns and examples for mobile devices.
This is a nice alternate theme for Google Reader. Better type. Better separation and texture. The best part is that it tones down the in-your-face-red G+ share button.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Interesting look at "password padding" to create memorable AND secure passwords. [via
Ask MeFi]
"We’re not going to have a jobless recovery. We’re going to have a jobless future." Painful post to read but it makes sense. Now what?
"When people say there are no easy solutions to our problems, I don’t think they are thinking hard or creatively enough. If our problem is that we don’t have enough technically trained Americans, why are we not focused like lasers on educating people?"
"The kind of naming policy that Facebook and Google Plus have is actually a radical departure from the way identity and speech interact in the real world."
Paul Bausch
"A Swedish man who was arrested after trying to split atoms in his kitchen said Wednesday he was only doing it as a hobby." A hobby? Oh, that's ok then. ... WHAT?
"The people who most heavily rely on pseudonyms in online spaces are those who are most marginalized by systems of power. 'Real names' policies aren't empowering; they’re an authoritarian assertion of power over vulnerable people."
Paul Bausch
Derek Sivers reminds us that the Web is made out of people.
"URL Parameters helps you control which URLs on your site should be crawled by Googlebot, depending on the parameters that appear in these URLs."
Paul Bausch
Deconstructing the new Gmail/G+ interface for design ideas.
ok, it's 2011. No site is perfect, but it probably is time to shame sites that store plain text passwords. Especially those sites from big companies with the means to change things.
Dear media, please give Andy Rutledge complete control over the design of your sites. Thanks.
Paul Bausch
"...there will always be the open web for the geeks, the misfits, the eccentrics, the control freaks, and any other term we can think of to proudly express our healthy skepticism of giving up too much control over what really should be ours."
Dave Winer is correct: "Have the courage to stake out your spot on the open web. Fill it with delicious treats, and connect it to others. That's creativity."
Paul Bausch
Oh boo! Google is going to change the name of Blogger to "Google Blogs". Sounds pretty bland to me, but I'm biased for obvious reasons.
Derek's original design for Blogger. I remember the code name: Blue Note. It'll be a shame to lose that personality, but corporations gonna corporate.
Paul Bausch
"...Facebook now stands as taking over a decade and a half of the dream of the World Wide Web and turning it into a miserable IT cube farm of pseudo human interaction, a bastardized form of e-mail, of mailing lists, of photo albums, of friendship." Excellent rant about the ephemeral nature of Facebook (among other things).
Paul Bausch
Showing 61 through 72 of 138 posts tagged google.