Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Nice summary of Fuelly with a list of things to do once you sign up. I bet interest increases directly with gas prices.
Google's take on YSlow--Yahoo's excellent website performance analyzer. Not as polished as YSlow, but looks promising and includes some analysis that YSlow doesn't cover such as CSS efficiency and image compression.
Paul Bausch
"I'd argue that attention is an important part of the status metric; but I don't think more attention always translates to more status..." Interesting thoughts about why people contribute on the Web. [via
10 typefaces for programming. I'm trying out their top pick--Inconsolata--and I like it so far. [via
Paul Bausch
Nice royalty-free icons, including the new free Payments set.
Handy bit of JavaScript to get the longitude and latitude of the center point on a Google Map. This works great as a bookmarklet.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"Joe Raiola, Senior Editor of MAD Magazine will present his one man show, The Joy of Censorship." Sounds fun. At the Corvallis library April 4th, 7pm.
A recording of The Decemberists in Austin. [via
This little plug computer that runs Linux looks like it'd be fun to play with.
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Blog by a film location scout with great pictures of New York City. [via MeFi]
This tutorial shows how you can use Google as a CDN for components of your site. (If the requests will be limited to under 650,000/day.) [via hackszine]
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
Showing 73 through 84 of 111 posts tagged development.