Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
A nice collection of railroad company logos from 1845-2000. [via kottke]
Kurt Vonnegut to the member of a school board that burned his books: "If you are an American, you must allow all ideas to circulate freely in your community, not merely your own."
Paul Bausch
"I thought it would be interesting to produce a kind of personal encylopedia: each volume cataloguing the links for a whole year." Great idea, a physical copy of your Pinboard/Delicious links.
"After using all the UI richness available for such a long time to make beautiful and differentiated products, app designers have realized that the user's work, not their own, is the star of the show."
Paul Bausch
Disappointing exchange, and a textbook example of how not to respond to critics online. Like Derek I'm a huge fan of On the Media so, ugh.
The Internet Archive is now archiving physical books. "Brewster noticed that Google and Amazon and other countries scanning books would cut non-rare books open to scan them, or toss them out after scanning. He felt this destruction was dangerous for the culture."
Paul Bausch
Paul Bausch
"...none other than Corvallis stands out as the top city in the country for innovation — after you account for its size. New York is merely average." Some theoretical physicists are looking at new ways to measure the creative output of cities.
Awesome vintage terminal emulator with a hilarious incentive to purchase. [via
And apparently the Web is for complaining. [via
Some auto-generated ebooks based on top Stack Overflow questions in various categories.
Paul Bausch
"Are we are evolving our contract with society through our increasing interactions with digital platforms, and in particular, through what we've come to call the web?"
Fantastic engravings from an 18th century book on religious practice across the world.
Nice description of the terrifying uniform plague doctors wore in the Middle Ages.
Paul Bausch
"Dennis Delimarsky compared several weather APIs and decided that Google’s is best, despite having no documentation or support from the company." Looks nice!
A bit outdated, but full of good advice for tuning SQL Server applications.
"Eligible Kindle books can be loaned once for a period of 14 days. The borrower does not need to own a Kindle -- Kindle books can also be read using our free Kindle reading applications for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices." It's a start!
"...the Pro users of yesteryear’s products, the people with the biggest investment in old technologies, are not the people who should be calling the shots in the design of their successors." Let Beginner's Mind have a shot! [via torrez]
Paul Bausch
More Google Books Ngrams fun.
"The ability to quantify things that had once been subjective 'hunches' on the part of nothing short of revolutionary."
"...a new project available in Google Labs today - Books Ngram Viewer - highlights some of the other benefits of digitizing texts beyond better reading and storage."
Paul Bausch
Gloves that work with an iPhone. Great idea!
This post is a great antidote to all of the benchmark lists you see that tell you where your child should be. [via caterina]
Interesting discussion about different approaches to managing an online community.
A quick behind-the-scenes look at "20 Things I Learned about Browsers and the Web" that explains some of the unique features of HTML5.
Nicely designed "book" about the Web.
Interesting experiment that creates web icons with pure CSS.
Paul Bausch
Bruce Sterling on Flipboard. "I would counter that what this thing really massacres is weblogs. Flipbook makes weblogs look archaic, much more than it makes magazines look archaic."
I always wondered about those people at library book sales with scanners. Now I know. [via
A browser extension that blocks all of those annoying 'Like on Facebook' buttons.
This work by a Slovenian painter in the early 20th century is eerily similar to our own century's
Jim Woodring.
Learn the constellations the 1940's Navy way!
I don't care what science says, Mexican Coke is better! (Glass bottles alone are better.)
Paul Bausch
Showing 25 through 36 of 80 posts tagged books.