
Ruining Riley

Bridget Riley uses color and tessellating patterns in her paintings. The colors in Nataraja, 1993 feel chaotic to me but the lines provide the harmony. I used a script to add a different kind of tessellation on top which breaks the whole thing:

riley triangles

Eames Dots

How about three Eames chairs barely rendered as various sized dots?

PAW, 1952. DSR, 1954. And LCW, 1946.

eames dots 1

eames dots 2

eames dots 3

Mesh Shifts

mesh shift 0

mesh shift 90

mesh shift 180

Ruined Crow

ruined audubon

Something about the curve of that not pipe reminded me of the curves in Audubon's birds. This ruined image started out as Audubon's American Crow, 1861.

Not Triangles

ruined magritte

Ruining Rothko

After my experience ruining squares, I wondered if images of color field paintings could be ruined with triangles even with no sharply defined structure. So I tried the same thing with some images of paintings by Mark Rothko.

Here are the three I picked: No. 61 (Rust and Blue), 1953. White Over Red, 1957. And No. 46 (Black, Ochre, Red Over Red), 1957.

albers squares

And here they are ruined with Python:

ruined rothko 1

ruined rothko 2

ruined rothko 3
  • Frank Chimero's Webstock talk about the edgeless, collapsing, and rearranging web: "More technology only amplifies the problems created by an abundance of it."

Ruined Squares

I've been having fun lately generating triangles with Python, as you do. And the other day I stumbled across one of Josef Albers' Homage to the Square. My first thought was, "Wow, the colors." My second thought was, "Those should be triangles."

I went to Google Images and searched for Josef Albers Homage to the Square and picked three at random: Ascending, 1953. Glow, 1966. And Soft Spoken, 1969.

albers squares

Then I ruined them with computers by turning everything into triangles:

ruined square 1

ruined square 2

ruined square 3

You might want to take a look at some non-ruined versions of Homage to the Square, like Impossibles from 1931 or this one from 1967.
  • A certain minimalist/latte art/feet/egg/volkswagen/ice cream cone/wood/American flag aesthetic appears on Instagram and somehow a Portland lifestyle magazine called Kinfolk is the unifying force? This is just weirdly fascinating to me.
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