So we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice.
"The study “helps add to the growing body of evidence that, despite a variety of mitigation efforts, misinformation has found a comfortable home — and an engaged audience — on Facebook,” said Rebekah Tromble, director of the Institute for Data, Democracy and Politics at George Washington University, who reviewed the study’s findings."huh, people love to hear things that confirm something they want to believe. That’s extremely profitable!
"The rash of infections highlights just how contagious the delta variant is, underscoring “the importance of vaccinating school staff members who are in close indoor contact with children ineligible for vaccination as schools reopen,” the CDC report said."Delta is different for kids and I'm not sure that message is getting out.
"About two out of ten unvaccinated employees said if their employer gave them paid time off they’d be more likely to get vaccinated, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey of 1,888 adults conducted from June 8 to June 21."It would be ironic if America's protestant work ethic is what ultimately did us in.
"Instead, we’re placing our kids—the only population in this country that is 100 percent unvaccinated—in the direct path of this whirling monstrosity. By insisting on in-person school this year, we're asking them to spend six hours a day indoors with their unvaxxed peers and hoping that they won’t get blown away."Yes, school feels like a game of chicken this time around against a virus that doesn’t blink.
"For weeks Oregon health officials have warned that COVID-19 cases, fueled by the highly transmissible delta variant, would fill hospitals by September if infection rates didn't slow significantly. Now, a little more than halfway through the month of August, 94% of the state’s hospital beds for adults and 93% of ICU beds are full."Vaccination rates are high in many counties. 65% of 18+ have received both doses in Oregon but it’s not enough.
"The burden of this pandemic now rests on the shoulders of the unvaccinated. On those who are eligible to get vaccinated, but choose not to, a decision they defend by declaring, “vaccination is a deeply personal choice.” But perhaps never in history has anyone’s personal choice impacted the world as a whole as it does right now. When hundreds and thousands of people continue to die, when the most vulnerable members of society, our children, cannot be vaccinated — the luxury of choice ceases to exist."
"Although, statistically, counties and states with higher vaccination rates have lower case counts and hospitalization rates, they have still become areas with high levels of community spread."Excellent summary of what we know about the current covid wave.
"I think the problem we have is people — whether it’s the CDC or the people that are doing the briefings — their big concern is, they just want to get vaccinations up. And they don’t want to punch any holes in the story about vaccines. But we can handle the truth. And that’s what we should be getting."The CDC is dropping the ball by not collecting data about breakthrough cases.
"What we don’t know – but need to know to make any meaningful policy decisions around vaccinated people and the pandemic moving forward – is how common breakthrough cases are, how common long Covid is in these breakthrough cases, and how breakthrough long Covid compares with long Covid in unvaccinated infected individuals, in terms of severity, duration and pathophysiology."Hello covid anxiety my old friend.