Tracking Peace Posts
Blogs Against War is aggregating anti-war news and analysis across weblogs. (Similar to It's another site to add to your trackback list for peace-related categories.
"Get the following production pieces in the studio NOW:...Patriotic music that makes you cry, salute, get cold chills! Go for the emotion," advised McVay Media, a Cleveland-based consultant, in a "War Manual" memo to its station clients. "...Air the National Anthem at a specified time each day as long as the USA is at war."Sounds like they're advocating propaganda. The experts say coverage that makes people feel good about the war is the way to boost ratings. Ratings are important, but what about telling the whole story? What about being involved in the community and providing a space for discussion and debate? I hope local TV and radio stations ignore the "experts" and serve their audiences by providing the whole truth.
"Most peace events don't make the news, so the peace movement needs to make its own news outlets. Weblogs and personal sites do a great job of covering these events, but it's not easy to find peace-related posts or photo galleries when they're spread across so many sites. That's where PeaceTrack hopes to help: finding specific posts about peace-related activities."If you're writing about peace-related events in your weblog, or know about coverage of these events that exists, this site is a way to let others know about it. It's fully TrackBack-aware, so if you're using Movable Type you can set the URL in your peace/activism category and forget about it.